General Information

Monthly homeowner association meetings occur on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Harbour Pointe Golf club meeting room.  Please see the FAQ's for the times.  All homeowners are welcome to attend.

Block Watch Information

Architectural Control Committee

All the information that you'll need for making any changes to your property such as replacing your roof, painting your house, etc. can be found on the Architectural Control Committee page (see the link to the left).

Reminder that the "Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions" (CC&R's)  of the Discovery Crest Homeowners' Association requires that a Change Proposal form be completed and submitted to the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) for review and approval before any building or structure can be constructed or modified. 

Email List

To be added to our email list, please click this link.

Homeowners Association mail box

When paying your dues or submitting a change proposal you can save a stamp and place your correspondence in the 12532 mail box situated in the mail box enclosure that is located between 125th Place SW and 126th Street SW.

Annual Association Dues 

All homeowners are billed by the DCHOA in the beginning of each year with payment due by January 31st.